Monday, June 11, 2012

Feedback from beta weekend! :D

                 Last weekend's beta event was spectacular! Although, I did recieve some major lag. It must just be because they haven't modified it for a laptop, I don't know. :/ I noticed a few changes here and there, but nothing too major. Most of them were changes in the animation of skills, like illusionary wave was different (don't know how many of you noticed that). The old skill was a bit more vibrant and looked the part, but I'm O.K. with this new animation.

                  And I've got some pictures to share! :) The first few ones are of one of the first quests in Queensdale. I must say that the game is absolutely beautiful, and I like how there isn't any more of those quests where you just kill a certain number of mobs. Those are so boring!

                    This first one is just me watering some corn for Farmer Diah. Such nice lady! :3

Now, this is the difference bewteen something cute.............and something that's CREEPY.

                The last few ones are of some pvp action! Well, not really action, but just some moments. lol

The pvp servers were very busy since the start of the beta, so it was a little hard to find a game you could join. :/

There were funny moments, and just some moments where I just felt like taking a pictures of that certain moment. Left: A team full of mesmers, including myself ;) Right: My team earned an Orb of Power. Which sounds amazing :D

When you run out of health you go into a "downed" state, and one of the four skills a mesmer gets while downed creates a phantasm. And when I go downed, I'm pretty much gonna die. So I immediatly use that skill, it's like I have some kind of avenger from beyond LOL :)

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, since there will only be more to come! And I also hope that everyone who attended the beta had truck loads of fun, I know I did! I'll see ya next time!

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